My Mission
“You aren’t meant just to survive in life.
There is a higher purpose; so Rise to Thrive!”
My Vision
Many educated, capable, talented and knowledgeable women like me live life with ambiguity, unworthiness and emptiness. They selflessly execute their duties and responsibilities towards their families and start feeling frustrated at some point in time and get trapped into survival mode. They lack clarity, self-worth and purpose in life. Slowly this shows up in every area of life, be it health, wealth, relationships or personal growth. Most of them mask up, use pretence and are unable to express their feelings. Having spent almost 18 years in something which was not my true passion, on auto-pilot without any direction, I can assure you how purposeless my life seemed to me. This led to several undesirable consequences in my life, such as setbacks in personal and professional life and friction between mind and heart and a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction. I chose to rise in my life, by learning life mastery secrets from a number of International trainers. I wish to help women to transform to their best versions, by rising up and rediscovering clarity, confidence and purpose in their lives, the same way, in which I could.
Certifications & Trainings
Joeel and Natalie Rivera- Transformation Academy, Florida
ICBI – course accredited by NABET (National Accreditation Board for Education and Training), Govt. of India
Arviend Sud, Destiny Sscience
Success Gyan, India
My Certificates
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