Turn Your Passion into a Profitable Business!

Passion to Profit Masterclass

Turn Your Passion into a Profitable Business!

Live a life of your dreams! Discover your passion/ skill/ talent that can be monetised and end your struggle for Financial freedom & Inner fulfilment!

Next Masterclass is on its way

10th Aug 2024 : 04:00 PM-06:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

17th Aug 2024 : 04:00 PM-06:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

24th Aug 2024 : 04:00 PM-06:00 PM (AVAILABLE)


  • REIGNITE your Passion by digging deep into your unique strengths.
  • RECREATE your identity and live your DREAM life
  • RECLAIM the control of your life and achieve fulfilment
  • RESTART your life and attain Financial Independence

Do you feel stuck and directionless in life?

Do you want to discover your life’s purpose and add meaning to your life?

Are you looking for Financial Freedom?

Learn the Art of “IMPACTING millions” 


“making MILLIONS” for yourself


  • Working Professionals: Tired of having a boss or wanting to restart their career after a break and longing to take charge of their own lives.
  •  Stay-at-Home Moms: Craving for more than just dishes and laundry, and ready to unearth their buried dreams and desires and have their own financial freedom.
  •  Women in Midlife: Transitioning from the responsibility of raising children to reclaiming their identity and purpose.
  •  Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs: Women/girls who have pursued/not pursued their academic education & have a desire to start their own business.



  • Regrets of unfulfilled dreams & passions
  • Hesitant to step out of comfort zone despite the being unhappy
  • Feeling Stuck & stagnated in a 9-5 job
  • Unaware of your own, unique strengths
  • Have no idea about how to break free from financial dependence


  • Make a powerful comeback in the second innings of your life
  • Bust your myths and take action towards your desired life
  • Be your own boss & take control of your life
  • Unleash your true potential, purpose & unique super power
  • Turn your passion into a profitable business and achieve financial independence

I invite you to Join my LIVE Online Session

Passion to Profit Masterclass

This will help you set a foundation to become a PURPOSEPRENEUR!!

In this Live Online Program, you will learn:

How to Build Your Dream Life.

Break free from negative mindset that is holding you back & start your own profitable business without a huge investment.

How to explore your unique gifts & super powers & turn it into a profitable business

Demystify Entrepreneurship & get your Entrepreneurial readiness report

How this Program will Benefit You?

Discover a Higher Purpose that will help you ARISE as a Purposepreneur


You will get clarity and direction in your life


You will rediscover and re-establish your identity


You will be able to confidently pursue entrepreneurship


You will explore your 'WHY' as an entrepreneur

Hear directly from the


A huge number of women have created, launched, and relaunched highly profitable businesses built on passion & purpose after attending the Passion to Profit Masterclass and are now living a Free and Fulfilled life.

Meet the Trainer

Purposepreneur Alchemist

Seema Bhutada is a Purposepreneur Alchemist and founder of ‘Rise To Thrive’.

She is an entrepreneur with 22 years of experience in Business, Purpose Business coach & Women Empowerment Coach. She is on a mission to empower women by helping them discover their passion & purpose and turn it into a profitable business to attain financial freedom & fulfilment in life. She has learnt from world-class trainers and mentors and helped a number of women launch their profitable businesses with her simple & proven methodologies.

Revealing the step by step system for Turning Your Passion into a Profitable Business!
Ready to transform your life and business?


1000’s women have already experienced massive success in their businesses using this exact system over the last 2 years!

Restarting your business feels like this - at any age, in any situation - if they can do it, so can YOU!

You will invest not just money but even 1000s of hours in your Business,

Make sure your efforts are converting your Passion into Profit

10th August | 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM | Language: English

So far, 100’s of sessions delivered, 1000’s of lives transformed, 100’s of businesses launched!

Bonuses with the Program worth Rs. 15000/-

"Know yourself & your dreams" Worksheet

E-guide - "developing a successful mindset"

T.I.P.S Matrix worksheet

Access to exclusive communities on
FB & Whatsapp

Powerful Purpose Discovery Meditation

Affirmations for purposepreneurs

This Program is Originally priced at Rs 4999/- But Currently I am giving it away for a 98% discount, at an unbelievable price of Rs. 99/-

Only 100 seats per workshop

10th Aug 2024 : 04:00 PM-06:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

17th Aug 2024 : 04:00 PM-06:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

24th Aug 2024 : 04:00 PM-06:00 PM (AVAILABLE)

Time is running out,
Grab your spot fast

Live Masterclass

Passion to Profit Masterclass

INR 4,999 INR 499 Only

Limited Seats Only! Hurry Up!

rise to thrive

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